2 min readJun 14, 2024

To Mwene Yongyera: A Letter of Friendship’s Love

Dear Mwene Yongyera ,

Your blog post, "Just Friends" a question echoing through the ages: can a man and a woman truly be friends, or does desire lurk beneath the surface, a price tag waiting to be claimed? Your words struck a chord, a melody of friendship’s complexities that resonated within me.

Let me tell you about the gift of friendship, a gift I've offered and received, a bond that transcends labels and societal expectations. It's a connection laced with laughter shared over beer mugs of Guinness, secrets whispered under a starlit sky, and tears dried with gentle understanding.

This friendship, Mwene, isn't a transaction. It's a sanctuary where vulnerabilities can be laid bare, a judgment-free zone where dreams take flight and failures find solace. It's the comfort of knowing someone sees the messy, authentic you and embraces it wholeheartedly.

There's a beauty in the unadulterated support a friend offers. It's the cheerleader by your side, urging you to conquer your fears, the voice of reason amidst life's storms. It's the quiet moments of shared silence, a comfortable companionship that speaks volumes without needing words.

Of course, the line between friendship and romance can sometimes blur. There's a warmth in genuine connection, a spark of shared interests and vulnerabilities. But true friendship acknowledges these feelings, navigating them with honesty and respect. It's about cherishing the bond you have, even if it doesn't blossom into something more.

Perhaps the long-lasting smile of yesterday, Mwene, isn't a faded memory of a potential love lost, but a truth to a friendship nurtured and cherished. It's the joy of having known someone who enriched your life, a connection that continues to hold a special place in your heart's crevices.

True friendship, like any relationship, requires effort. It's about open communication, respecting boundaries, and celebrating each other's triumphs. It's the freedom to be yourself, unfiltered and unafraid, knowing you're loved and accepted for who you are.

So, Mwene, to your question, I say yes. A man and a woman can absolutely be friends. It's a friendship that defies societal constraints, a tune sung in the key of understanding and respect. It's a gift freely given, a priceless treasure that enriches our lives in ways we never imagined.

Let’s not be afraid to celebrate the complexities of human connection. Let friendships blossom, free from the burden of expectation. Let’s cherish the long-lasting smiles, not as missed opportunities, but as echoes of a beautiful bond that continues to resonate within us... Mwene Yongyera


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