2 min readFeb 2, 2017


A force that flows from the heart,
A will to live, a soul unmarred.
A strength that carries us through,
When all else seems lost and true.

A decision to be made,
A choice between right and wrong.
A path that we must all take,
With courage to see it through.

Pain and suffering may try,
To break our will and spirit down.
But courage will always rise,
Above the darkness and the sound.

Pleasure may tempt us too,
To stray from what we know is true.
But courage will guide us back,
To the path that God has set for us.

So let us all be strong,
And face whatever life may bring.
With courage in our hearts,
We can overcome anything.

**The Will of God**

The ultimate goal,
Is to do the will of God.
This requires courage,
To follow His word,
No matter what the cost.

When we are faced with pain,
We must have the courage to endure.
When we are tempted by pleasure,
We must have the courage to resist.

And when we are called to make a difficult decision,
We must have the courage to choose what is right.

Courage is not the absence of fear,
But the ability to act in spite of it.
It is the strength to do what is right,
Even when it is difficult.

When we have courage,
We can overcome anything.
We can achieve great things,
And make a difference in the world.

So let us all be courageous,
And follow the will of God.
Let us make the world a better place,
One act of courage at a time…


Multifaceted Creative | Writer | Producer | Blogger | Editor | Poet | Film Connoisseur | EndTime Remnant Crafting Compelling Stories Across Diverse Platforms...